2010年5月27日 星期四

2010.05.27 Week 14: Concordancer

2010.05.27 Week 14: Concordancer

This PPT is made in class.
I made it in a very hurry time, so it not so complete.


2010年5月15日 星期六

2010.05.15 Week 12: Boyo Teaching 2

2010.05.15 Week 12: Boyo Teaching 2

I taught a elementary student to make her own PPT in class.
She is really a cute and shy girl, so she's afraid to tell her feelings or experiences to me.
I think it is OK, so I try harder to make her talking, even try to teach her how to play a game.

In order to protect the girl's privacy, I could not put student's name and photo in my Blogger.


2010年5月8日 星期六

2010.05.08 Week 11: BOYO Teaching

2010.05.08 Week 11: BOYO Teaching

Sandra and I helped a elementary student made his own PPT by himself.
He is quite a considerable boy that he was really afraid that we will blame by teacher by making a PPT in games context.
He was really eager to learn new things and have good attitude.

We really like him and think he is a genius in class!
